Test Don’t Guess!
In my practice, I use a variety of cutting-edge functional medicine testing to uncover and heal the source of your weight shedding or wellness issues. This approach will yield you the best and quickest results and, in the end, save you time, money and tons of frustration. This approach enables me to truly customize your plan to your unique biochemistry. You will be amazed at what YOU will find out about YOU. This information is not only fascinating, but it is pivotal to achieving and maintaining your wellness goals.
The following is a representation of the functional medicine testing that I use in my practice. You can click on the link for each test to get more information. If you are interested in doing any of this testing, please make a 20 Minute Appointment to discuss.
It has been said that everything begins and ends in the gut and we are only as healthy as our gut microbiome. I couldn’t agree more and this is the best test that I know of to assess just that. Adding it to my Functional Medicine tool box has really elevated my practice and has helped my clients not only improve their gut health but their overall wellness. Your gut is your most important internal organ because it literally impacts every other organ system. For example, the health of your gut microbiome influences not only your digestion, but your immunity, mental health, sleep, skin health, body weight and a host of endocrine functions (just to name a few). A healthy gut truly equals a healthy you!
Signs that your gut microbiome is out of balance are:
- Your digestion is off
- You have food sensitivities and/or food allergies
- You suffer from fatigue
- You get sick often
- Your sleep is disturbed
- Your hormones are out of whack!
- You suffer from mood swings, depression or anxiety
- You are experiencing skin issues such as acne, rosacea, eczema or psoriasis
- You have an autoimmune disorder
- You have sugar cravings
As you can see from the symptoms above, your gut health impacts your overall health. Assessing GI health with the proper tools can help get to the root cause of your weight shedding or wellness issues and help you to meet and maintain your wellness goals.
The GI Map Test uses a simple at-home 1-day stool sample (I know – yuck!). A test kit is drop shipped to you directly with a prepaid mailer to ship back to lab.
The IgG Food Explorer Test
In my opinion, this test is essential if you truly want a customized plan and achieve optimal results. I have used food sensitivity testing in my practice for over 20 years and the results have been nothing short of miraculous. They are one of the main root causes of a person’s inability to shed weight, regardless of their effort.
The IgG Food Explorer Test is an Elisa-based multiplex food sensitivity (intolerance) test measuring total IgG antibodies to a plethora of foods. IgG Food Explorer evaluates over 250 food antigens using a simple at-home collection. Your results help to personalize your diet and lifestyle recommendations, as well as, reduce and eliminate symptoms related to adverse food reactions.
Food intolerances are delayed reactions as opposed to food allergies, which are more immediate reactions. Food intolerances are much more common and characterized by digestive disorders, migraines, obesity, or inability to lose weight, chronic fatigue, aching joints, skin disorders, and behavioral issues. It has been estimated that an upwards of 70-80% of the US population has some type of food intolerance. Unfortunately for many, those food intolerance symptoms are often identified as individual problems and treated as such, thus treating the symptoms and not the cause.
The IgG Food Explorer Test requires a simple at home blood sample (finger prick). A test kit is drop shipped to you directly with a prepaid mailer to ship back to lab. Results generally take 2 weeks.
Most of my clients suffer from some form of hormone imbalances. Whether it is menopause, weight challenges, fatigue, low libido, PMS, mood swings or depression, these symptoms can lead to more serious problems if misdiagnosed. Identifying the root cause of chronic health issues is certainly correctable, but only if properly identified.
The DUTCH Test was created to provide insight into many of these concerns, working to deliver the most complete assessment of sex and adrenal hormones, along with their metabolites, in one easy-to-administer test. No blood to draw, spitting in tubes, or filling up jugs of urine.
The DUTCH Test uses a simple at home urine and saliva collection kit. The results from your DUTCH Test can be used to create a customized treatment plan to re-balance and maintain your adrenal and sex hormone levels.
A Comprehensive blood chemistry provides a vast amount of information regarding your health and could disclose information about disease states which either exist or are likely to develop. The issue with routine blood chemistries (normally done at your yearly physical) is that they are typically missing important markers. In addition, the lab ranges are generally way too wide, making almost any marker appear in the normal range. This is dangerous, because by the time a given marker appears out of the range, you are most likely already at the disease stage and past the preventative stage. As the goal of nutrition is preventative, this is not the way we want to go.
A comprehensive blood chemistry gives me the ability to evaluate your nutritional and metabolic health and provides a roadmap to your nutritional needs by identifying the nutrients your body is starving for, as well as, possible root causes to your weight-shedding and wellness issues. This is the only test that I absolutely require you to do, as it is paramount to your plan by helping to individualize your dietary and supplement recommendations.
A comprehensive blood chemistry is the most necessary component of your wellness story especially during the menopausal years as it serves as a screening, as well as, a guide to finding your root causes and what to focus on. Your ideal blood chemistry is more comprehensive than a routine blood chemistry and includes markers important in the menopausal years such as blood sugar markers, heart health markers, a complete thyroid panel, and an advanced female hormone panel. It should be taken and interpreted by a healthcare practitioner with a preventative wellness mindset who can guide you holistically.
My Ideal Blood Chemistry For The Menopausal Years requires a blood draw. I can either provide a suggested requisition form for you to bring to your healthcare practitioner or we can use your most recent blood work results and fill in the blanks.
Many people are exceeding their calorie needs but still not meeting their requirements for essential vitamin and minerals. This results in wellness issues such as fatigue and low energy, metabolic issues, weight gain, hormone imbalances and blood sugar imbalances.
The Cellular Nutrient Assays test for nutrient sufficiency (vitamins, minerals and amino acids), antioxidant capacity and specific antioxidants that work best for your individual needs and wellness profile.
The Cellular Nutrient Assays uses a blood sample to assess your nutrient status. You can either go to a participating lab or use Cell Science System’s mobile blood draw service. A test kit is drop shipped to you directly with a prepaid mailer to ship back to lab.