December 12, 2022

How Can Hormones Wreak Havoc?

Whether it’s PMS, perimenopause, menopause, or andropause (male menopause), the various symptoms that often accompany each can wreak havoc on our lives.  For us females, symptoms like weight gain, bloating, hot flashes, irritability, and insomnia — annoying as they are — are merely indicators of underlying hormonal imbalances.  For males, symptoms like ED (erectile dysfunction) are not caused by a Viagra deficiency — okay, that was just my attempt at lightening up a touchy subject, but just like muscle loss, fatigue, and urinary problems, it’s a sign of hormonal imbalance as well.

Factors such as poor nutrition and stress can be causative factors or exacerbate many of these symptoms. With the proper nutritional support, you can bring your body back into balance and be free of the unpleasant symptoms of PMS, peri-menopause, menopause, and andropause.  When your hormones are in balance, you feel great, look vibrant, have abundant energy and wellness, and have a healthy sex life.  This is the way you were meant to be and feel.

Common symptoms of PMS include:

  • Bloating/Water Retention
  • Irritability/Mood Swings
  • Cravings for Sweet and/or Salty Foods
  • Breast Pain/Tenderness
  • Anger/Aggression
  • Fatigue
  • Clumsiness
  • Poor Concentration
  • Weepiness
  • Poor Self Worth
  • Headaches/Migraines
  • Aches and Pains
  • Anxiety
  • Depression


Common symptoms of perimenopause/menopause include:

  • Weight Gain
  • Bloating, water retention
  • Abdominal belly fat
  • Fuzzy Thinking
  • Insomnia/Disturbed Sleep
  • Low Libido
  • Hot Flashes/Night Sweats
  • Irritability/Mood Swings
  • PMS
  • Breast Pain/Tenderness
  • Decreased Memory
  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety and/or Depression
  • Hair Loss
  • Irregular Periods
  • Urinary Dysfunction
  • Inability to Concentrate
  • Headaches
  • Vaginal Dryness
  • Digestive Issues
  • Dry Skin
  • Craving for Sweets/Carbs

Common symptoms of andropause include:

  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Night Sweats
  • Muscle Loss
  • Low libido or Sex Drive
  • Depression
  • Weight Gain
  • Urinary Problems
  • Hot Flashes
  • Gynecomastia (Male Breasts)
  • Hair Loss
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Fatique
  • Irritability