Shed that belly fat and reclaim your health and vitality!

Are you ready to go from feeling tired, frustrated and weighed down by belly fat to feeling slim, energized and 10 years younger?

Shed that belly fat and reclaim your health and vitality!

Are you ready to go from feeling tired, frustrated and weighed down by belly fat to feeling slim, energized and 10 years younger?

Do you just want to feel like yourself again?

My SHED IT!® programs are designed to help you finally shed your most bothersome symptoms so that you can experience the level of wellness you desire and deserve.

Whether you are fed up with:

  • Feeling weighed down by belly fat and bloat
  • Struggling with stubborn hormonal weight gain
  • Dealing with funky digestion and poor gut health
  • Having low energy or
  • Just not feeling your best

One of my programs is right for you!

Get ready to…


Jacqui Justice

NEW! Free Mini Course
Learn why you’re struggling with belly fat, fatigue, brain fog, hot flashes and stubborn hormonal weight gain and how to start reversing your symptoms in 6 simple steps!!!

Rave Reviews: Hear what Jacqui’s clients have to say!

“I’ve been working with Jacqui for 8 months now, and i can confidently say she’s been a game-changer in my life. at 50, I was feeling bloated, drained of energy, and far from my usual self. I sought out Jacqui with the simple goal of feeling better. Not only did she help me achieve that, but she guided me throguh a transformative journey.

Under Jacqui’s guidance, I’ve not only shed 30 pounds, but I’ve also experienced a profound shift in my overall wellbeing. What sets Jacqui apart is her holistic approach. She doesn’t just focus on the physical aspects but delves into the intricacies of overall wellness.

Jacqui’s advice isn’t just practical; it’s life-changing. She provides tips and hacks that are not only realistic but sustainable in the long run. What I appreciate most is that she doesn’t overwhelm you with information. Instead, she customizes her approach to fit your needs, making the journey manageable and enjoyable.

Jacqui’s impact on my life has been immeasurable, and I’m incredibly grateful for her expertise, support, and genuine care. Thanks to her, I’ve not only achieved my health goals but have found a renewed sense of vitality and joy. If you’re looking for a nutritionist who truly makes a difference, Jacqui is the one.”


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Jacqui’s Programs


What challenge do women across the globe of all ages and body types have in common?

Almost all are looking for a solution to their abdominal belly bloat.

This 30 day  information-packed mini-course is designed to help you not only quickly kick that bothersome bloat to the curb and get you back in your favorite pair of jeans, but also help you figure out the cause so you can eliminate it once and for all.

Specialized Plans with Jacqui


Let the Adventure Begin

This is an intensive no-nonsense, get down to business plan for quickly, easily and safely shedding excess weight and body fat, decreasing inflammation and increasing your energy.


Revving Your 40+ Metabolism

You can literally turn back your metabolic clock, naturally balance your hormones and flip that muscle/flab ratio in your favor!  This program will help kickstart you into fat-burning mode in a “red hot flash”!


Healthy Gut Healthy You

Nothing ruins a day like funky digestion.  This program is aimed at eliminating your most bothersome symptoms so that you can get back to being a happier and healthier you.

See which plan is right for you!

Client Testimonial

I did your Kickstart Cleanse prior to Thanksgiving and feel like a million bucks! So great to go into the holidays with energy and feeling healthy. Lost 9 pounds, saw visible difference in my body, skin and energy level. Didn’t stick to it exactly but what I did do really worked!
Corrine B.
This program has made such a huge difference in my life! I felt soooo much better in my body. In fact, the chronic pain in my hip and shoulder completely disappeared and my sleep and hot flashes dissipated almost completely (I am 50). My body had seemed to change overnight and I just felt so uncomfortable and disconnected from myself. This program brought me back home. I lost weight and inches but the best outcome was that I really felt wonderful with a bounce in my step and a much clearer mind too!! This is now my plan for life as I enjoy the real, fresh foods, teas and all of the thoughtful components so much. Thank you so much for this gift, Jacqui.
Melinda B.
Nearing the end of the program and have decided to keep it going. Number one reason: fewer hot flashes than I’ve had in years. Ever since menopause, my flashes have been debilitating (changing soaked through sheets in the middle of the night, anyone?). This program has really made a significant improvement and nothing (and I think I may have tried every cure under the sun short of voodoo) has helped. I’m a fan for life!!
Lucy P.
I only started this program on Monday and I have to say, I feel fantastic already after three days! I have more energy, my mood has improved, I can definitely feel a reduction in my tummy and, unbelievably, my asthma has improved enormously. So far, so good – I’m definitely going to stick with this!!
Kathryn S.
I gleaned so many great insights from Jacqui’s expertise about what happens to our bodies after menopause – and why. Her knowledge and enthusiasm at each stage of the program was so inspiring – and it kept me honest. Best part is I have adopted a lifestyle approach to eating and nutrition that is easy to follow, diverse and delicious! I trimmed down evenly and I feel great energy every day.
Patti L.